Friday, December 6, 2013

Quiet after the storm?

It has been an interesting week...

Fertility Friend predicted ovulation at the end of November but my OPKs were clearly negative and my temperature wasn't rising.  I started to assume that perhaps I wasn't going to ovulate this month- maybe because of the lap?- when I got my first smiley on Monday morning. Even though DH is SO not a morning person, I woke him up and got busy.  Cue a second repeat smiley face later in the afternoon and repeat.

The next day I had yet another positive OPK but didn't have the heart to do it to hubs two mornings in a row.  I took a breath, tried to reassure myself that we'd done the deed twice the day before and went to work.  At about 10 in the morning, I doubled over in pain on my right side-all through my back but definitely on my right side.  It felt suspiciously similar to the pain I had with the cyst this summer and I called hubs.  We both agreed it would be weird for me to already be developing a cyst so soon after the lap when the OB was in there and both ovaries were clear.  But stranger things have happened, I guess, so I hung up the phone feeling deflated and pissed at the same time.

But at noon I noticed the pain stopped entirely.  Gone.  And that was weird because when I had my cyst it was 2-4 days of intense pain, especially at night.  I kept waiting for it to come back but it didn't.  By the time I got home at 3:30, I got a negative OPK.  DH and I did the deed one more time to be sure.

As far as I am aware, I have never had ovulation pain before but I feel sort of confident that was what I had on Tuesday morning.  The timing of the OPKs just seem to make it too much of a coincidence.  The next day my temperature rose by .5 degrees and today I have a line from FF saying I O ed on the day I think I did.

Since then, I have had moments in the early morning of light crampy feelings, but nothing too bad.  Right now as I type I have a little back ache on the left side- who knows.  But for three days, nothing too bad. Knock on wood...or doors...or whatever the hell I need to so I don't jinx myself into pain again this weekend.

I know 3DPO is probably too soon to feel anything, but I told hubs I don't feel any differently.  It just seems like if I were knocked up I would feel -something-, right?  Hubs says no, but I think I've got assume this cycle will not be any different than the others for the sake of self-preservation.  At least I should know a week before Christmas if I'm not.

SIL got her period yesterday.  I feel for her.  For us both.  We both had this grand idea that we would become mothers without any problem.  We took for granted something we didn't understand even though if you had asked us at the time we would have said we knew.  Being a mom is a gift.  Not everyone will get to be one.  We assumed because we wanted it we would have it.

I hope we will.

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