Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I only felt like crying once today and it was when I was saying goodbye to my students for the week. Seriously, I have the neatest kids this year.

My mom stopped in to school to meet this year's class and some of the comments were:

"You are so lucky to have Mrs. ____ for a daughter."
"I love Mrs. ____"
"I'm going to be so sad while she's gone."

The other fun thing was that when some of my 5th graders caught word that my mom was in the building they snuck down the hall to my room to come back and talk.

I love bringing my family in for the kids to meet. (This year they've met DH, SIL and now my mom.) I feel like it's such a huge thing for them to see me as a "real" person.

The moment I choked up was when I walked into the building this morning and thought, "I would miss this SO much if this thing doesn't go right tomorrow."  How many people can say that about their jobs? In the midst of the TTC craziness I haven't really appreciated my job a whole lot this year.  I don't mean to not appreciate it, but every other year in the past I have gone to work on many days and thought to myself, "I can't believe I get to do this job."  So many people want to be teachers and the market in my state is HORRIBLE---as it is in many states.  The fact that I'm at an award-winning school with good people is incredible to me.  This surgery has (seriously) made me appreciate everything this week- good meals, friends and students who have given me cards, time spent with DH...  DH DH DH.  I love that man.  I know, in theory, that this surgery is fairly routine.  But I've never gone under the knife before.  It's freaking me out way too much.

To cope, I did some serious shopping this week.  Some of my buys this week include:

Shelf liner for the medicine cabinet

Vera Wang purse from Kohl's 
(For carrying my things tomorrow, right?  wink wink)

I don't even like this movie, but DH does and because I love DH here we are.

Aside from shopping and eating out (I'm savoring the finer things), I'm working on my things to take with me tomorrow.  Based on things I've read on other's blogs, so far I've got:
  • PJ bottoms and a baggy shirt (It's way too cold up herrrr for a dress.)
  • Pillow for the car ride
  • Bag for the car (Oh God.  I seriously can't stand throwing up.  Please, no...)
  • Lozenges (I hear your throat sometimes hurts afterward.)
  • Gas X (I don't know about this one.  I'm going to ask...)
  • My iPad (If things get pushed back for some reason I'm going to need something...)
Another thing I'm bringing are treats for the doctor and nurses.  I bought a dozen cake pops (called "cake bombs") from a local bakery and a bunch of chocolate buckeyes.  I am (no joke) going to hand them out and say, "Happy Halloween.  Please don't let me die."  I've cracked everyone up who I've told this to, but I am for real serious.  (lol)  I don't think there's anything wrong with making sure that the people cutting me open and managing my pain like me.  If baked goods can bring that about, I'm okay with that.


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