Thursday, November 14, 2013

CD Wha?

CD 1.


Totally TMI but this morning I had brown spotting and assumed I was having some delayed bleeding from the lap like I'd had last week.  And yet as the day went on the bleeding became darker and at about noon I was all like this:

"Oh, sheeeeet.  I started my period early!"

DH's reaction to today's events was basically:

(It's been a long month. lol)

The one hiccup is that figuring out O is going to take some real detective work this cycle since I didn't temp at all in the last cycle.  (That was me throwing the middle finger up at the whole laparoscopy experience.)  Luckily I just got a box of CBE digi OPKs in the mail yesterday.  Hopefully they'll be substantially better than the guessing game that is the Wondfo experience.

So fingers crossed this won't be an overly wonky cycle that causes me to stress out.

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